Submit an abstract for the poster presentation at the 11th Croatian Cochrane Symposium

We kindly invite all authors who would like to present their work during the Symposium to submit their abstracts to no later than 20th April 2019 at 23:59.


  • The abstract should be written in English language
  • Abstracts can be on any topic, but the relevance for The Cochrane should be clearly stated
  • Abstracts should be no longer than 2000 characters with spaces, or about 300 words, font Times New Roman, font size 12
  • Please provide title, 3-5 key words separated with a comma, first and last names of all the authors (full name, no titles) with their affiliations, city and country
  • Name of the presenting author should be bold and underlined
  • Please indicate e-mail address of the presenting author
  • Abstracts should be structured as follows: Background, Objectives, Methods, Results and Conclusions. If your abstract does not fit into this format, then please choose headings that are appropriate for your abstract
  • The abstract title should not be longer than 20 words
  • If abbreviations are used, the abbreviated term should be written out in full the first time it is used
  • Tables and graphs can be submitted with your abstract as an attached image document. Allowed formats are: gif, png, jpeg, tif, tiff, pdf. Please remember to insert the reference (Table 1 or Figure 1etc.) in the abstract.

Abstracts will not be copy-edited so the authors are responsible for language and contents.


Decision about the acceptance of abstracts for poster presentation will be made by 27 April 2019 and authors will be notified by email. Accepted abstracts should be presented on posters not bigger than 100 cm height and 70 cm width (portrait-style). Please prepare your poster in English language. 


Accepted abstracts will be published on the web site of the Cochrane Croatia: