We are pleased to share articles in the media on the fight against coronavirus, published by our valuable members.
Narodni.hr - Dr. Tina Poklepović Peričić, co-director of Cochrane Croatia, presented a study that looked at clinical, epidemiological and laboratory data, as well as radiological findings. Cochrane experts analyzed 61 studies involving a total of 59,254 patients.
Slobodna Dalmacija - Marija Franka Marušić, a member of Cochrane Croatia and secretary of the Split branch of the International Association of Medical Students of CroMSIC, emphasized the importance of quarantine and social distancing.
Lupiga - intevriew with Cochrane Croatia co-director Tina Poklepović Peričić about the COVID-19 scopig review that was published in the Journal of Clinical Medicine in which members of Cochrane Croatia took part. The interview focused on assessment of mortality rate, level of confidence in the available body of literature and the role of evidence in everyday decision making. This was an opportunity to once again present the importance of Cochrae work and the value of Cochrane systematic reviews in general, but especially in these extreme circumstances.