From 10th-13th September, 1848 people registered to attend the 2nd Global Evidence Summit (GES), held in the beautiful city of Prague, in the Czech Republic.

The GES is a world class event hosted by leading organisations in evidence synthesis: Cochrane, The Campbell Collaboration, Guidelines International Network and The Joanna Briggs Institute. The conference was opened by the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Health of the Czech Republic, Dr Vlastimil Valek.

The organising and scientific committees were led by Dr Miloslav Klugar, and his team, from Cochrane Czech Republic, who reviewed 2083 submitted abstracts and prepared an excellent program consisting of:

  • 6 plenaries
  • 2 evidence challenge sessions
  • 526 oral presentations
  • 25 special sessions
  • 59 workshops
  • 38 flash oral presentations
  • 834 posters

Cochrane Croatia was represented by 8 members: Nensi Bralić, Ana Marušić, Danira Matijaca, Tina Poklepović Peričić, Livia Puljak, Dario Sambunjak, Miro Vuković, Irena Zakarija-Grković, and Svjetlana Grgić and Filipa Markotić from Cochrane Bosnia and Herzegovina, an Affiliate of Cochrane Croatia, who actively participated in the GES. 

Main topics covered during the GES included: achieving the sustainable development agenda, research integrity, making evidence accessible, the power of synergy in evidence synthesis, evidence translation and implementation (from global evidence to local impact), advocating for greater evidence communication and use of evidence.

The next GES will be held in Bhubaneswar, India, from 27th – 30th October, 2026.

Hrvatski predstavnici

Dario, Irena, Filipa i Svjetlana

Irena predvodi sastanak Cochrane direktora

Livia s Jennifer Petkovic i Lara Maxwell

Miro prezentira

Nensi predstavlja poster

S CEO Cochranea, Catherine Spencer

S prof. Marušić na koncertu

Tina i Nensi na svečanoj večeri