From 8-9 December, Cochrane Croatia held its 15th Annual Symposium.
This year, we decided to break with tradition, and move the symposium from the University of Split School of Medicine to the University of Rijeka. This was done for several reasons:
1. To spread the word of Cochrane to other regions in Croatia
2. To attract and involve colleagues from other institutions
3. To provide our followers with the opportunity to see other parts of Croatia
4. To acknowledge the role and contribution of Cochrane authors from Rijeka
An organising committee consisting of colleagues from Split and Rijeka was formed (Evgenia Arh, Ante Bošnjak, Tin Nadarević, Goran Hauser, Goran Poropat, Livia Puljak, Ana Utrobičić, Luka Vranić, Irena Zakarija-Grković) and together, over several months, prepared a two-day program.
On day one, Ana Utrobičić, the Director of the University of Split Library, and a longstanding member of Cochrane Croatia, held a full-day workshop for information specialists on searching the literature. Although intended for librarians, a range of professionals participated in the workshop, demonstrating an interest and need for training in this field.
Day two of the symposium began with a warm welcome from the Dean of the University of Rijeka Faculty of Medicine, Prof. Goran Hauser, and from the Director of Cochrane Croatia, Assoc. Prof. Irena Zakarija-Grković. We were privileged to have two international speakers: Catherine Spencer, Cochrane CEO, and Prof. Agostino Colli, Deputy Director of the Clinical Trials Unit in Copenhagen. Catherine presented Cochrane’s new Strategy (2024-2027) and discussed how geographic groups can support training, knowledge translation and advocacy. Agostino described the ‘architecture of diagnostic studies’.
Other topics presented included ‘How to read a Cochrane systematic review’ by Prof. Livia Puljak, ‘Open, responsible and reproducible research’ by Prof. Ana Marušić, ‘Cochrane reviews as a PhD’ by Dr Tin Nadarević, ‘Random error and sample size estimation’ by Assoc. Prof. Goran Poropat, and ‘Adverse events in Cochrane systematic reviews’ by Dr Luka Vranić.
A total of 49 attendees from all over Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina participated, including medical students from the University of Rijeka, clinicians from the University Hospital in Rijeka (dermatologists, gastroenterologists, endocrinologists), librarians, nurses, public health specialists and biochemists.
The next Croatian Cochrane Symposium will be held in Split in 2024.
Sudionici Simpozija
Sudionici Simpozija
S dekanom Hauserom i kolegicama iz BiH
Predstavljanje Cochranea - Irena Zakarija-Grković
Ana Marušić
Ana Utrobičić - Radionica o pretraživanju literature
Livia Puljak i auditorij
Luka Vranić
Goran Porpopat i Tin Nadarević
Nensi i Miro